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Aaxxess Inc

Company Profile
Most of our projects start small and grow over several years. We usually start with projects in the 1,000 piece range ?we have some projects that are running in the +100,000 range - sometimes we start projects if they are in the 100 lot provided that the project has a good future and $ potential (our guideline is US$100,000.00 yearly potential to start a project).

Parts Sourcing:
From time to time Aaxxess is asked to help medium size co***nies in North America for our help in ...
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Contact Us
Company: Aaxxess Inc
Contact: Mr. Jim Letkeman
Address: 3823 - 29 Street N.E.
Postcode: T1Y 6B5
Tel: 1-403-473-1770
Fax: 1-403-206-7191


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Tel : 1-403-473-1770 Fax : 1-403-206-7191
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